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Museums | Library

The Town of Exeter, New Hampshire, a small New England town with history, arts, community, culture, and more. Explore and enjoy. 


American Independence Museum

American Independence Museum -Ladd Gilman House tours featuring Revolutionary history tours. Visit their annual festival in July. 


Folsom Tavern -
American Independence Museum

Offering historical tours about the Tavern and its place in Colonial and Revolutionary history. Events include craft beer offerings in the Tavern. 


Exeter Historical Society

The Society has been collecting artifacts about Exeter's past to the present. Their special exhibits and the basement exhibit are worth your visit.


Gilman Garrison House 1709

A historic house museum displaying interesting architectural developments since 1709.


Powder House by the river 1771

Built in 1771 during the American Revolution. Take a walk along the path across from Swasey Parkway. You might see the herons. 


Exeter Public Library

Serving the community of Exeter. Check their website for special events and community offerings.

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